War on ride-sharing Volume 128,455

Last week, the Commonwealth of Virginia issued "cease and desist" letters to both Uber and Lyft saying they could no longer operate in Virginia in order to save the children/stop cutting in on the cab drivers' monopoly. Virginia is not the first [...]

CBO: Four Million Americans to Pay Obamacare Tax

Four millions Americans will be hit with Obamacare's individual mandate tax in 2016 according to an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office. From Americans for Tax Reform: The report, titled Payments of Penalties for Being Uninsured Under [...]

America loves Obamacare...because we are forced to

Next time some Obamacare apologists brags about the high enrollment rates under Obamacare, ask them if they have seen the latest  poll results from Enroll America, a pro-Obamacare organization with links to the administration. The poll [...]

War on Uber moves to Virginia [UPDATED]

If you live in a major city, you probably love Uber. This innovative ride-sharing service is loved by consumers and loathed by taxi monopolies. City Councils all across the country are trying to regulate Uber in order to limit competition for [...]

Harvard grad Sen. Chuck Schumer doesn't know author of Bill of Rights

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Harvard graduate, could use a lesson not only in history but in the First Amendment to the Constitution, you know, the document he swore to uphold and protect. The money quote from The Washington Times: I think [...]

Rehabilitating Hemp's Image

Campaign for Liberty has frequently reported on the progress of rehabilitating hemp's image and rescuing the crop (which has deep historical roots in our country) from the stigma it's been given since being classified as a Schedule 1 narcotic in [...]

Small steps toward cutting waste in NDAA

Several weeks ago, Campaign for Liberty joined a broad coalition of organizations on a letter to Congress supporting a group  of  National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) amendments to cut spending on unnecessary and wasteful [...]

One Year Later: Still, No Place to Hide

There's no denying that Edward Snowden's actions have changed the political landscape surrounding the surveillance state. Unfortunately, at this very moment, the national security statists are preparing to toast each other in victory for [...]