Union that Backed Obama: Obamacare will slash wages by up to $5 an hour

Unite Here, a union that represents around 300,000 hospitality workers and one of the first unions to back President Obama's candidacy for president in 2007, issued a staunch rebuke of the healthcare law, saying it will slash wages by as much as [...]

Can We Afford Ukraine?

Here is Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's latest Texas Straight Talk asking if the American people can afford being neoconned into intervention in the Ukraine (SPOILER ALERT:  We can't). Under Dr. Paul’s leadership, Campaign for [...]

Hagel's 'Defense Cuts' Are Smoke And Mirrors

Here is Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk on how the administration's military "cuts" are not really cuts at all, just a plan to spend less on troops and more on defense contractors who comprise the "industrial" half of [...]

Syracuse University to Host Ron Paul!

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul will speak at Syracuse University on Wednesday, March 26, at 7:30 PM in Hendricks Chapel. The event is free for SU students, faculty/staff. Tickets for the General Public are available through the Schine [...]

Guess who created a new federal energy program this week?

The so-called "fiscally conservative" GOP Congress. Wednesday, the House passed HR 2126, the Energy Efficiency Act of 216. This bill requires the federal government to develop "best practices" to be used by commercial and residential [...]

Remember #StandWithRand!

One year ago today, DC was hunkered down for what was supposed to be an early March blizzard. While the storm fizzled out turning into a non-event, Senator Rand Paul made history that day as America tuned in to C-SPAN2 to watch his old-school, [...]

Vote on Flood Insurance Sell-Out Today!

Last week the House of Representatives was scheduled to consider a flood insurance "reform" bill (HR 3370) that would have repealed some of the pro-taxpayer changes made to the program in 2011. The bill was withdrawn after enough Republicans [...]