Ron Paul Begins 2013 College Tour at Washington and Lee

Via Washington and Lee University's website: Former 12-term U.S. Congressman and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul will deliver the first speech of his 2013 College Tour on Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 7 p.m. in Lee Chapel at Washington and Lee [...]

Voting Against Sandy Relief is the Only Moral Option

By: John Watts When the House returns to session next week, one of the first items on the agenda will be whether or not a further $51 billion should be allocated to relief for Superstorm Sandy.  The President has already signed into law $9.7 [...]

Tell Your Rep. to Cosponsor Audit the Fed!

The House of Representatives reconvenes next week, making this a great opportunity to encourage your representative to cosponsor Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, H.R. 24, as introduced by Rep. Paul Broun (GA-10). The past two Congresses have [...]

Liberty Legislation - 113th Congress

The 113th Congress has convened and to make sure everyone stays up-to-date, here's an update on the latest pro-liberty legislation already introduced. In addition to reintroducing Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 24), Georgia Congressman [...]

Welcome aboard, Norm and Megan!

Our latest press release announces the hiring of two new staffers, Norman Singleton and Megan Stiles.  Norm previously served as Congressman Ron Paul's Legislative Director (and was his longest-serving Washington office staffer), and Megan was [...]

"Harry Reid's Illegal Rule-Breaking"

The latest email from C4L President John Tate: When the Senate reconvenes on January 22, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is expected to launch an all-out war on the Senate filibuster. And he's willing to flat-out break Senate rules and [...]

Ron Paul on Houston's KTRH

Ron Paul was on Michael Berry's radio show last night discussing his time in Congress, his strong support among young people, and his campaign for president. Check out the interview [...]

"Fiscal Cliff" Vote Shows How Washington Really Works

The new "Texas Straight Talk" from our Chairman, Dr. Ron Paul: January 7, 2013 Last week the Senate and House demonstrated again why their approval ratings are so low. The 154 page “fiscal cliff” bill was made available to Senators just [...]

Congress begins new session without Dr. No, but his legislation is still carried on

By: John Watts After serving 12 terms in Congress as the only member demonstrating consistent commitment to a coherent ideal of liberty, Dr. Ron Paul is now officially retired. But the legions of liberty-loving Americans that he has [...]

Ron Paul's Audit the Fed in the 113th Congress!

Day one of the 113th Congress, and even though Dr. Paul is no longer in Congress, his influence clearly still is. Rep. Paul Broun (GA-10) has reintroduced Ron Paul's Audit the Fed as H.R. 24 and promises to "pick up where Ron Paul left off" [...]