Deadline Approaching: Intern With C4L This Fall!

Campaign for Liberty is looking for dedicated, liberty-minded high school or college students to intern for our fall semester (August 20 - December 14).The responsibilities of this paid internship include answering phones, handling [...]

Audit the Fed Passes!

Minutes ago, the U.S. House voted to pass our Audit the Fed bill by a vote of 327-98!!You can find out how your representative voted HERE.Thanks for your help to achieve this historic victory!Only a few years ago, few would have believed that [...]

Audit the Fed Update

One unfortunate reality of working in politics is that details can change very fast.In just the last few hours, C4L received word that the vote on H.R. 459, the Audit the Fed bill, could be moved to this Wednesday, July 25, with debate on the [...]

Liberty NewsWire: July 24, 2012

Ice-T: "Well, I'll give up my gun when everybody does. Doesn't that make sense? If there were guns here, would you want to be the only person without one?"Krishnan Guru-Murthy, anchor, Channel 4 News: "So do you carry guns [...]

Afternoon "DISCLOSE" Act Vote (UPDATED)

Around 3pm, the Senate will hold another vote on S. 3369, the so-called "DISCLOSE" Act. (UPDATE - The Senate failed to invoke cloture on the bill, 53-45.)While the Senate could certainly be debating more important issues, such as Audit [...]

C4L's Press Release on Audit the Fed

C4L issued the following press release after Audit the Fed passed the House yesterday."Audit the Fed" Bill Passes U.S. HouseHistoric Legislation Moves on to the Senate SPRINGFIELD, Va., Jul 25, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- On Wednesday, [...]

What Do You Want to See in the GOP Platform?

The Republican National Committee has developed a website to allow users to submit ideas for what they would like to see included in the Republican Party platform and to second ideas that other users have proposed.This is a great opportunity for [...]

All Hands on Deck!

This is it.Tomorrow’s the big day!As Audit the Fed heads to the House floor under suspension of the rules, it’s vital all C4L members take action immediately.Needing two thirds of Congress to vote “YES” on your bill is no [...]

Date Set for Audit the Fed Vote!

I have some very exciting news!After years of C4L’s hard work to secure a standalone vote on Audit the Fed in the U.S. House, our day has arrived.C4L has learned that Congressman Ron Paul’s H.R. 459, our Audit the Fed bill, will be [...]

Senate Vote on DISCLOSE

Thanks to your help today, the First Amendment-shredding "DISCLOSE" Act was defeated by a vote of 51-44!The roll call is below.  (Note: Senator Reid voted "no" so he could reserve the right to bring the legislation back [...]