Bernanke Testimony

Yesterday, C4L's Matt Burrow and I attended the Joint Economic Committee hearing where Ben Bernanke was testifying on the current state of the economy.Two exchanges during the hearing are worth paying attention to. The first, was Senator Jim [...]

Marco Rubio: A Hawks' Hawk

In a foreign policy speech before the Council on Foreign Relations yesterday, Senator Marco Rubio again displayed that he is nothing more than a neoconservative hawk who would love to send America's sons and daughters into a new field of [...]

U.S. Debt Set to Skyrocket

The Washington Times recently reported the CBO is projecting Washington’s debt to reach 200 percent of GDP in fewer than two decades.But even more significant than this are the harsh reviews the CBO has for Congress’ response to [...]

The Nanny State Exemplified

"The latest idea in that fight is a curious proposal from Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City. He's planning to ban the sale of sugary drinks 16 ounces or larger in public venues such as restaurants and movie [...]

Liberty NewsWire: June 4, 2012

The latest idea in that fight is a curious proposal from Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City. He's planning to ban the sale of sugary drinks 16 ounces or larger in public venues such as restaurants and movie theaters. [...]

Liberty NewsWire: June 11, 2012

On Jan. 28, 2009, a week after Obama’s nomination, the Fed owned $302 billion in U.S. Treasury securities. On April 25, 2012, the latest date reported, the Fed owned five and a half time that much in U.S. Treasury securities--$1.668 [...]

Liberty NewsWire: June 8, 2012

San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon doesn't mince words when it comes to the war on drugs."It has been a failure," he told The Huffington Post. "It hasn't reduced drug use in any significant way. It's not good [...]

Liberty NewsWire: June 6, 2012

Russia and China are decisively against attempts to regulate the Syrian crisis with outside military intervention, as well as imposing a policy of regime change, including within the Security Council," it said.--AFPForeign PolicyAFP - [...]

Liberty NewsWire: June 5, 2012

“In the past few years, the federal government has been recording the largest budget deficits since 1945, both in dollar terms and as a share of the economy. Consequently, the amount of federal debt held by the public has [...]

Liberty NewsWire: June 1, 2012

"Pakistan must understand that they are choosing the wrong side. They accuse Dr. Afridi of working against Pakistan, but he was simply helping the U.S. capture the head of Al Qaeda. Surely Pakistan is not linking their interests with those [...]