Maybe the European Union Will Bankrupt the Europeans Before Washington Bankrupts Us

Every time I get depressed about the latest depredation from Washington, I feel better when I look across the pond at Europe.  It's a race to the bottom, but they just might win!Consider the latest outrage.  According to the Prague [...]

Liberty NewsWire: March 9, 2012

The state Senate of Virginia passed HB 1160, the bill that would  prevent the use of any state agency or member of the Virginia National Guard or Virginia Defense Force to participate in the unlawful detention of a citizen of Virginia by the [...]

Senator Paul Unveils "A Platform to Revitalize America"

This morning, Senators Paul, Lee, and DeMint introduced a FY 2013 budget that balances over the next five years and results in the elimination of four cabinet level departments, Commerce, Education, Energy, and Housing and Urban Development along [...]

Liberty NewsWire Thursday, March 8th, 2012

The head of the Newark FBI said Wednesday the NYPD’s monitoring of Muslims in New Jersey has had a chilling effect on the feds’ ability to gather counter terrorism intelligence."In the annals of policing this is unheard of. [...]

"Victory" in Libya: Deja Vu All Over Again

Remember NATO's great "victory" in Libya?  It took the world's greatest military alliance in history about five months to overthrow a decrepit and nutty dictator.  Along the way tens of thousands of Libyans died.Since [...]

Even Pat Robertson Says to Legalize Pot!

Hallelujah!  Pat Robertson recognizes that the drug war has failed.  Reported the New York Times:Of the many roles Pat Robertson has assumed over his five-decade-long career as an evangelical leader — including presidential [...]

Senators Paul & Lee Join Call For Accelerated Withdraw From Afghanistan

Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee joined 22 Senators from across the aisle in calling on President Obama to accelerate the US withdraw from Afghanistan.Arguing the primary mission in Afghanistan -- eliminating al-Qaeda's safe haven and removing [...]

Virginia Senate Passes HB 1160!

Thanks to the efforts of Campaign for Liberty members and other freedom fighters, Virginia once again is leading the charge against a federal government powergrab.  Today, the Virginia Senate finally allowed the passage of HB 1160, a bill to [...]

Call to Action

For those of you who have been following Virginia's efforts to thwart the NDAA's detention provisions, the bill needs our help one more time.Tomorrow, the Virginia Senate could have the final vote on HB 1160, either sending it to the [...]

Liberty NewsWire: March 7, 2012

The Food and Drug Administration has warned a company that markets caffeine and vitamin B as "breathable energy" it could face regulatory action over "false and misleading" labeling."You should take prompt action to [...]