National Blog - page 34

Good News: Fauci’s Out and Common Sense Might Be Returning
These days it seems there is not much good news out there. People are still panicked over the coronavirus, governments are still trampling civil liberties in the name of fighting the virus, the economy –already teetering on the edge of collapse [...]
Europeans Are Waking Up to Government COVID Tyranny. Why Are We Still Asleep?
Tens of thousands of Germans marched through Berlin on Saturday, proclaiming a “Day of Freedom” and demanding an end to government-mandated face masks and “social distancing.” The UK and Netherlands also saw large protests against their [...]
Ron Paul's medical privacy law in danger -- ACT NOW!
The U.S. House will vote on an amendment to HR 7617 (a bill making appropriations to numerous federal agencies) that repeals the ban on the “unique patient identifier! Repealing the ban -- which Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul got [...]

Fedcoin: A New Scheme for Tyranny and Poverty
If some Congress members get their way, the Federal Reserve may soon be able to track many of your purchases in real time and share that information with government agencies. This is just one of the problems with the proposed “digital dollar” [...]

Big Holes in the Covid 'Spike' Narrative
Motorcycle accidents ruled Covid deaths? In the rush to paint Florida as the epicenter of the “second wave” of the coronavirus outbreak, government officials and their allies in the mainstream media have stooped to ridiculous depths to [...]
Coronavirus Is the New ‘Terrorism’
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has proposed the next multi-trillion dollar "coronavirus relief” spending bill that will support testing, tracing, treatment, isolation, and mask policies that have been part of a “national strategic plan” she has [...]
Update on Medical ID
Unfortunately, the amendment repealing the ban on using federal funds to develop a unique patient identifier was snuck through the U.S. House last week. The amendment was folded into an “en bloc” amendment. This is when group of amendments [...]

Ron Paul on the Rebel Capitalist
C4L Chairman Ron Paul appeared on George Gammon's Rebel Capitalist show on Wednesday to discuss several topics, including Audit the Fed. Click here to watch.
Good news and bad news on NDAA
I have some good news and some bad news on our fight against police militarization. The Schatz-Paul Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which would have restricted the ability of local police departments to obtain [...]
Votes on police militarization in both House and Senate next week!
As you know, next week the Senate will vote on the Schatz-Paul amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act limiting the ability of local police departments to obtain offensive military weapons like generate launchers, tear gas, tanks, and [...]