Death of the Filibuster?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s use of the nuclear option to change Senate rules and limit debate time for most nominees could make it impossible for Senators to speak against nominees favored by their own party’s leadership and it [...]

Trump Tells the Truth: Sanctions Cause People to Suffer

This week President Trump admitted what the Washington policy establishment of both parties would rather be kept quiet. Asked why he intervened to block a new round of sanctions on North Korea, he told the media that he believes the people of [...]

James Bovard: Ron Paul Speaks Truth to Power

Libertarian giant James Bovard paid tribute to fellow libertarian giant Ron Paul in 2002 at an event that presented Dr. Paul with the 2002 Szasz Award for Outstanding Contributions to Civil Liberties. Dr. Paul was the only elected official to [...]

This Week in Congress

The House is in session Monday through Thursday. The main legislation on the agenda this week is H.R. 7, which strengthens remedies available to “victims” of gender-based pay discrimination. For a good analysis of the flaws in this [...]

Ron Paul Classic: No War in Iraq

This month marks a day the war-hawks in both parties assured us we would never see: the sixteenth anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq.   Remember this was going to be a cakewalk and we’d be greater as liberators.   To [...]

This Week in Congress

The Senate continues work on HR 268, the disaster supplemental spending bill. The $13 billion bill has run into controversy over the funding levels for aid to Puerto Rico, with President Trump wanting less funding while some Democrats want to [...]

Sign Your "No Red Flags Deal" Petition!

  “I really can’t see a reason we can’t pursue this . . . we can make a stew here that works!” That’s how Senator Lindsey Graham concluded his Senate hearing yesterday on the so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Bill (S. [...]

Ron Paul and Norm Singleton Praise Civil Asset Reform Legislation

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and President Norman Singleton made the following statements on the reintroduction of the “Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration Act” (FAIR): The FAIR Act limits incentives for federal, state, and local [...]

The Green Bad Deal

The recently-proposed Green New Deal is proof that climate change is for progressive Democrats what terrorism is for neoconservative Republicans: a ready-made excuse to expand government and curtail liberty. This radical plan would authorize the [...]

Thomas Massie “The GOP has Extracted Their Pound of Flesh”

Thomas Massie “The GOP has Extracted Their Pound of Flesh”   Bill Kaufman witting in The American Conservative, looks at the battles anti-war, pro-liberty Republicans face within their own party by interviewing two stalwart defenders [...]