This Week in Congress

But first, a look back at last week… The House of Representatives rammed through their massive First Amendment-shredding legislation, H.R. 1. The so-called “For the People Act” is really little more than a statist power grab designed to [...]

This Week in Congress Update

Here is the roll-call vote on H.R. 1. The final vote was 234-193. Every Democrat voted for the bill while every Republican voted no. H.R. 1 is a large bill with many provisions, including new mandates on states and new requirements that [...]

Ron Paul: Sheldon Adelson’s Casino Interests Ahead of States Rights?

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently penned an op-ed for the New York Daily criticizing the Justice Department’s recent reversal of the 2011 memo finding that the 1961 Wire Act gives the government authority to ban online gambling [...]

Did Bolton Blow North Korea?

President Trump’s second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un last week was criticized by both parties in Washington long before Air Force One even touched down in Hanoi. Washington’s political class seemed terrified that the nearly 70 [...]

This Week in Congress Update

Yesterday, the House passed H.R. 8 the Nancy PelosiPete King gun ban bill. The bill passed by a vote of 250-189. Eight Republicans voted for the bill: Vern Buchanan (FL-16) Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25) Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01) Will Hurd [...]

Bipartisan Attacks on the Second Amendment

The House of Representatives recently passed legislation that would expand the national background check system to require almost everyone selling firearms, including private collectors who supplement their incomes by selling firearms at gun [...]

Murray Rothbard on the Economics of Gun Control

Last Saturday would have been Murray Rothbard’s 93rd birthday.  With Congress once again debating gun control, there is no better way to commemorate Murray’s life and work than by reading (or re-reading) his essay on The Economics of Gun [...]

This Week in Congress

The House is in session Tuesday through Friday. The House will be spending three days debating H.R. 1, the legislation limiting the First Amendment rights of groups like Campaign for Liberty by, among other provisions, requiring us to divulge the [...]

Liberty at the Movies: Vice

Liberty at the movies:Vice Vice tells the story of how Richard Chaney went from being expelled from Yale and drinking and fighting in his spare time to becoming the most influential Vice-President in history. Written and directed by Adam [...]

Second Amendment: The Ultimate Civil Right

The House votes tomorrow on H.R. 8, the gun registration bill. Campaign for Liberty members should call their representatives and tell them to oppose H.R. 8. With the house vote tomorrow and with February being Black History Month now is a good [...]