Minnesota State Page


Welcome to Minnesota Campaign for Liberty!

Campaign for Liberty has made great strides forward. Activists are working on important initiatives at the local, state, and national levels, and staff members are working hard to provide the training and support you need in order to be successful.

If you haven’t yet, take a brief moment to sign up as a member to receive the latest news and updates about what’s happening in your state.

If you are interested in becoming a Local Coordinator or pursuing a county or state level leadership role, we have training materials and a mentor program to assist you.

Click here to let us know you’re interested in being a leader.  We’d love to have you on the team!

Check out some of our critical state issues here.

State Posts:

Tell Minnesota legislators to oppose the con!

I am writing to you today about an issue of grave concern to me . . . an issue that could set the liberty movement and our country back decades or worse. Campaign for Liberty told you recently about dangerous bills applying for an Article V [...]

Oppose the Con in Minnesota

I’m afraid I have some bad news to report. The Minnesota state legislature is being targeted by powerful, well-financed insiders, who are determined to “revise” the U.S. Constitution at an Article V Constitutional Convention. I need [...]

South Metro Campaign for Liberty Meeting This Thursday.

State Senators Julianne Ortman and Eric Pratt are plotting a massive power grab to silence the grassroots caucus system.   Come this Thursday to hear about their plans to eliminate the caucuses and consolidate their power.  Then learn how [...]

North Metro Campaign for Liberty is Tonight Tuesday, August 5th

The monthly meeting of the North Metro Campaign for Liberty is tonight Tuesday, August 5th! We will hear from Minnesota's own Jennifer Parrish who, with our friends at the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, is a leader in the [...]

Announcing the First Meetings of the North and South Metro Campaign for Liberty Chapters

All liberty supporters are invited to the first meetings the South Metro Campaign for Liberty and the North Metro Campaign for Liberty. Campaign For Liberty needs patriots like you to help stem the tide of government corruption and tyranny.  [...]