Stop ObamaCare Expansion in Montana

The so-called “Healthy Montana Act” (HB 249), a bill that will expand ObamaCare in Montana, has been introduced and is currently in the House Human Services Committee.

This grossly misnamed bill is anything but “healthy” for the people of Montana.

It’s urgent you take action to stop ObamaCare expansion in Montana.

Please call the House Human Services Committee at 406-444-4847 right away and tell them to vote NO on HB 249.

Then call your own state representative and demand they oppose HB 249 or any other attempt to expand ObamaCare.

Click here for contact information.

It’s extremely important we show massive opposition in order to force the legislature to do the right thing.

Even though Republicans have campaigned on their opposition to ObamaCare in every election since it passed, some recently helped pass a House Rule change that will make it easier to pass ObamaCare expansion!

Do they think that since the election is over, they can implement ObamaCare expansion and we’ll be too stupid to understand what they’re doing?

Governor Bullock has tried to pressure the legislature into adopting the budget-busting program for years.

And now it looks like he may have support from Republicans in the legislature.

But if Montana accepts this rotten scheme, Montanans' Medicaid obligations could double by the year 2018.

You see, ObamaCare attempts to lure states into expanding their Medicaid programs by promising to pay certain associated costs for a couple of years.

But Montana will be expected to spend millions of dollars for all of the new associated administrative costs from the moment the state expands the optional program.

And as if that’s not bad enough, the federal government will soon significantly reduce the reimbursement rate, leaving the state with the obligation to dole out an even greater portion of the tab.

Are Governor Bullock and the state legislature so determined to get all that “free” federal money that they’re willing to completely ignore the fact that expanding Medicaid will severely increase the costs paid by Montana taxpayers?

The truth is, even if Obama keeps his promise to pay for certain parts of the program for a year or two, YOU are still footing the bill.

But the Supreme Court struck down the unaffordable ObamaCare expansion mandate and made it optional.

So just why are Republicans in the legislature choosing to actively support a law that is destroying America’s health care system and trampling on our rights?

It’s critical you call the House Human Services Committee at 406-444-4847 right away and tell them to vote NO on HB 249.

Then call your own state representative and demand they oppose HB 249 or any other attempt to expand ObamaCare in Montana.

Click here for contact information.

Opting to expand Medicaid in Montana will not lead to the defeat of ObamaCare.

Please take action today!

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