National Blog - page 108

Celebrate Human Achievement
Tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. EST radical environmentalists (a.k.a.. watermelons green on the outside, red on the inside) will turn off their lights and unplug all electronic devices to mark "earth hour." The point of this is to show commitment to [...]
This week in Congress: Will RINOCare Pass?
The Senate came in today to vote on nominations to the United States Sentencing Commission. The House came in yesterday. The big item of the week is the American Heath Care Act, better named the RepealInNameOnlyCare Act. The House is currently [...]

Liberty at the movies: Logan
Logan is the first super-hero/comic book blockbuster of 2017 and boy does it set a high bar for the rest of the movies coming this year! The latest entry in the X-Men series, Logan is Hugh Jackman's swan song as Logan, a.k.a. Wolverine, the [...]

The Real March Madness
Is the federal law banning sports betting? This law, passed in the 1990s, forbids state governments from legalizing betting on professional sports. Like all such laws, this bill does not stop people from betting on professional sports. Instead [...]
Why Trump’s Syria 'Surge' Will Fail
Last week President Trump significantly escalated the US military presence in Syria, sending some 400 Marines to the ISIS-controlled Raqqa, and several dozen Army Rangers to the contested area around Manbij. According to press reports he will [...]

RINOcare Manager's amendment...real changes or lipstick on a pig?
SPOILER ALERT: the Pig is wearing lipstick. House leadership and the White House have been negotiating with conservative members of Congress to make changes to the Republican Obamacare "replacement bill." These changes will be included in a [...]

Obamacare Repeal or Obamacare 2.0?
This Thursday, the House of Representatives will vote on a Republican bill that supposedly repeals Obamacare. However, the bill retains Obamacare’s most destructive features. That is not to say this legislation is entirely without merit. For [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Repeal anti-consumer, pro-crony legislation
Campaign for Liberty has joined an "open letter" to Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee Jeb Hensarling requesting repeal of the "Durbin Amendment." This amendment, named after its sponsor Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, and part of [...]

This week in Congress
The Senate will be considering nominations, starting with President Trump's nomination of Seema Verma to head the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The Senate will also consider some more Congressional Review Act regulations [...]

Poor Sheldon Adelson
It looks like conservatives oppose his gambling bill... According to the result of the special CPAC poll, 90% of the conservatives oppose giving the federal government new powers to outlaw internet gambling. What is particularly significant [...]