The Federal Reserve Explained in Three Minutes

Our friends at the Ron Paul Liberty Report have posed a very informational and entertaining video explaining how the Federal Reserve--and its favorite crony capitalists-- profit by facilitating the growth of the welfare-warfare state. Watch [...]

Online Gambling is a Matter of Rights

Paul Meekin from The Liberty Conservative has a must read essay on the importance of the fight against efforts to ban online gambling, including an account of how he was personally effected by the ban. No Strike!? You’re Out – Online [...]

On Military and Spending, It’s Trump Versus Trump

It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute. Consider his speech last week at the [...]

The Racist Roots of Minimum Wage Laws (plus Classic Ron Paul)

If there is one topic "progressives" are more reluctant to address during Black History Month than the role the second amendment played in the civil rights movement, are the racist roots of their beloved minimum wage laws. These laws where [...]

Steve Bannon and Norm Singleton on The Future of Conservatism

Those looking for insights into Chief White House Strategist Steve Bannon's philosophy and outlook may be interested in his remarks on "The Future of Conservationism," a panel discussion Mr. Bannon participated in back in September, [...]

See Ron Paul and Help End the Fed's Money Monopoly!

If you live in or near Phoenix, Arizona mark your calendars for March 8 (next Wednesday), because you will have three opportunities to hear Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul talk about the subject that inspired him to get involved in public [...]

This week in Congress

Congress returns form President's Day recess. The Senate will continue working on approving President Trump's nominations. The House is in session from Monday through Friday. Among the legislation that will be consider is the Regulatory [...]

Make your voice heard against online gaming ban

Please take this special CPAC Survey on online gambling.  You can take the survey here.

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Death is not a taxable event

Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition of 133 free-market advocacy and business organizations in support of the Death Tax Repeal Act (H.R. 631/S. 205). Campaign for Liberty members who support repealing the death tax should call their [...]

Ron Paul Classics: Obamacare's problems and its Republican enablers

As Congressional Republicans continued to debate whether to repeal ObamaCare with something good, something ok, or something bad, it might be a good time to look  back at Ron Paul's columns  "The Right Lessons from ObamaCare Meltdown" and [...]