National Blog - page 115

Book Review: Libertarianism for Beginners
Looking for a last-minute stocking stuffer? Try Libertarianism for Beginners by Todd Seavey with illustrations by Nathan Smith. As the title suggests, this is not a book for someone already steeped in libertarian economics, history, or [...]

2016 marks the 50th anniversary of a classic science fiction show that not only raised serious political and philosophical questions but did so in a manner friendly to libertarianism. No, I am not referring to Star Trek but The [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Don't Draft Women!
In a little noticed move, President Obama endorsed forcing women to register for the Selective Service. If enacted, this would mean that if a future Congress was stupid enough to reinstate the draft, women would be forced into military [...]

War on ‘Fake News’ Part of a War on Free Speech
A major threat to liberty is the assault on the right to discuss political issues, seek out alternative information sources, and promote dissenting ideas and causes such as non-interventionism in foreign and domestic affairs. If this ongoing [...]

Support HR 5893: No Taxation without Representation
Representative James Sensenbrenner (WI-05) has introduced HR 5893, the No Taxation Without Representation Act. This act protects consumers form being forced to pay out-of-state sales taxes when they purchase an item online or by a catalog by [...]

After Aleppo: We Need a New Syria Policy
Over the past week, eastern Aleppo was completely brought back under control of the Syrian government. The population began to return to its homes, many of which were abandoned when al-Qaeda-linked rebels took over in 2012. As far as I know, the [...]

Ralph Raico R.I.P.
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement on the death of Ralph Raico: Ralph Raico was one of the founding fathers of the libertarian movement. As a student of both Ludwig Von Mises and FA Hayek, as well as a [...]

Campaign for Liberty Supports Ending IRS Censorship
As Dr. Paul points out in his column this week, we have seen an increase in efforts to use government power to silence groups like Campaign for Liberty that organize opposition to big government. This is not a new phenomenon, as the assaults [...]

Liberty at the movies: Allied
Allied is a World War II spy thriller with an unusual premise and interesting twist. It also shows the heartlessness of government's wartime bureaucracies. Allied tells the story of Max Vatan, a Canadian Intelligence office, and Marianne [...]

This week in Congress: Update
Last night the House GOP unveiled the short-term spending bill. The bill extends government funding through April 28. It appropriates $1.07 trillion, thus keeping the budget below the spending caps. However, it appropriates an additional $8 [...]