Liberty NewsWire: September 27, 2012

A tiny solar company named SoloPower will flip the switch on production at a U.S. factory Thursday, a major step toward allowing it to tap a $197 million government loan guarantee awarded under the same controversial program that supported failed [...]

Liberty NewsWire: September 25, 2012

On Wednesday a government watchdog issued a report finding widespread failures with the government's "Fast and Furious" gun trafficking operation. On Thursday, the watchdog at the Justice Department, Inspector General Michael [...]

Liberty NewsWire: September 24, 2012

Three minutes after midnight Friday leading into Saturday morning, the Senate rejected by a vote of 81 to 10 a proposal offered by Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to hold aid to the governments of Egypt, Libya, and Pakistan pending the surrender to [...]

Liberty NewsWire: September 20, 2012

More and more people — especially young healthy people — will choose to pay the $695 fine instead of spending 10 times that on health insurance. As they do, the individual mandate will fail in its central purpose: forcing all [...]

Turn Up the Pressure!

After our overwhelming victory for Audit the Fed in the U.S. House, the stage is set for a showdown in the Senate, and we need all hands on deck to win on this critical issue.  We've simply come too far to let up now.If you haven't [...]

Liberty Newswire: September 26, 2012

Despite a quiet start on Tuesday, Wall Street had its biggest decline in three months after a Federal Reserve official said he doubted the central bank’s effort to bolster economic growth would work.  Charles I. Plosser, president of [...]

Audit the Fed Reaches Cosponsor Record in the Senate

Thanks to your support and action, S. 202, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, has reached a new cosponsor milestone in the Senate - 34!  That's the highest amount of support this bill has ever received in that chamber.We're [...]

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." - Matthew 5:9At the Values Voters Summit in Washington DC this past week, Senator Rand Paul tactfully brought his anti-war message to what is traditionally [...]

The Courts Won't Save You

If there is one thing I've learned from not only the ObamaCare ruling but studying numerous cases from the Supreme Court down to the federal appellate courts, it's that I won't ever count on the courts to fix a problem the legislature [...]

Liberty NewsWire: September 19, 2012

"There are contracts between the Department of Defense and companies that are developing facial recognition technology in order to put that technology on drones and they talk about identifying dissonance in crowds," she explained. [...]