This Week in Congress Update

Vote on Yemen, Campaign for Liberty Supports the Grassley Amendment to Farm Bill Flood Insurance: Today, the House will consider legislation extending the federal flood insurance program for one week. This could be a sign that Congress is [...]

This Week in Congress

The House is in session Tuesday through Friday. As of this writing, they are only considering bills under suspension of the rules, while the Senate works on nominations, but there may be other legislation this week as Congress figures out how to [...]

The True Meaning of Thanksgiving

Give thanks for capitalism. One of the many things children are not taught in government schools is that the first Thanksgiving   celebrates the Pilgrim’s saving themselves from starvation by abandoning a system of communal property for a [...]

Pentagon Fails First Audit, Neocons Demand More Spending

The Pentagon has finally completed its first ever audit and the results are as many of us expected. After spending nearly a billion dollars to find out what has happened to trillions in unaccounted-for spending, the long look through the books [...]

This Week in Congress Wrap Up

Senator Rand Paul’s bill to deny arm sales to Bahrain was tabled by a vote of 77-21. You can see the vote here. Senator Paul delivered a must-watch speech on his bill here. I heard from a friend on Capitol Hill that House leadership was [...]

Republicans caving on spending ... again?

House and Senate committees continue to work toward a resolution on a farm bill conference report. There is talk the bill may be added to the end-of-year Omnibus package in order to ensure majority support from Republican representatives who do [...]

Allow Americans to ‘Opt Out’ of Abortion and War

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released proposed rules allowing individuals to opt out of Obamacare’s abortion and contraception mandates for moral or religious reasons. These new rules should be cheered by all who [...]

Ron Paul Flashback: Why Can’t We Sue the TSA for Harassment?

As this is one of the busiest travel weeks of the year, with millions of Americans boarding airplanes -- and thus subjecting themselves to the TSA’s “screening” -- this seems like a good time to revisit Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron [...]

Ron Paul and Norman Singleton on Lindsey Graham becoming Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and President Norman Singleton issued the following statement regarding news that South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham will likely be Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee: Ron Paul: "Lindsey [...]

This Week in Congress Update

Here is the roll-call vote on the rule for H.R. 6785, which also removed the passage from the resolution ending US involvement in Yemen. The rule passed by a vote of 291-187. The following Republicans voted No: Justin Amash [...]