National Blog - page 65

Too Much Partisanship in Washington? No, Too Much Bipartisanship!
Washington is once again gripped by the specter of a government shutdown, as Congress and President Trump negotiate an end-of-year spending deal. A main issue of contention is funding for President Trump’s border wall. Sadly, but not [...]

Worse Than Canada
If you’re still spooked by yesterday’s post on the horrors of the UK’s socialized health care system then you may want to pass on today’s entry. Ryan McMaken of the Mises Institute looks at three ways that Bernie Sander’s “Medicare [...]

This Week in Congress
The House has canceled all votes for the week because of the funeral of President George H. W. Bush. They will be passing a one-week continuing resolution to keep the government open while they work on finalizing the spending bills for the year. [...]
This Week in Congress Wrap-up
Here are the 14 Republicans who took the politically dangerous step of voting against their own party on an issue of foreign policy by voting to discharge SJRes 1364, which ends U.S. military involvement in Yemen: Lamar Alexander (R-TN) Bill [...]
Republicans caving on spending ... again?
House and Senate committees continue to work toward a resolution on a farm bill conference report. There is talk the bill may be added to the end-of-year Omnibus package in order to ensure majority support from Republican representatives who do [...]

Remember when the House leadership squashed a vote on a resolution ending US involvement in Yemen by removing it’s privileged status? Well, the leaders of that resolution have reintroduced it as H.Con.Res.142 and I just heard from a friend [...]
Health Care Horror
Writing about health care in the UK, Sally Pipes of the Pacific Research Institute, writing in Forbes magazine, details some horror stories from the UK. What is terrifying is how many Americans want to bring this horror to our shores: [...]

Trump Foreign Policy: Doing the Same Thing and Expexting a Different Result
After a week of insisting that a meeting with Putin on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Argentina was going to happen, President Trump at the last minute sent out a Tweet explaining that due to a Russia/Ukraine dispute in the Sea of Azov he [...]

This Week in Congress Update
Vote on Yemen, Campaign for Liberty Supports the Grassley Amendment to Farm Bill Flood Insurance: Today, the House will consider legislation extending the federal flood insurance program for one week. This could be a sign that Congress is [...]
This Week in Congress
The House is in session Tuesday through Friday. As of this writing, they are only considering bills under suspension of the rules, while the Senate works on nominations, but there may be other legislation this week as Congress figures out how to [...]