Classic Ron Paul: Only a Moral Society Will Make our Citizens and Their Guns Less Violent

This weekend’s shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue can be expected to be used to justify new gun control laws and other expansions of state power like laws criminalizing “hate speech.” These laws are guided by the mistaken belief that more [...]

Will the Democrats Abandon Obamacare for Medicare for All?

A recent story in USA Today points out that nearly half of Democratic candidates are supporting repealing and replacing Obamacare with Medicare for All— the latest name for nationalized health care. Medicare for all would outlaw private [...]

War on Climate?

New York congressional candidate (and rising Democratic and mainstream media star) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is being mocked for saying that America needs to fight climate change the way we fought Nazi Germany. I understand the desire to mock [...]

The Saudis Keep Changing Their Story on the Murder of Khashoggi. What Should We Do?

The Saudi version of the disappearance and murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi seems to change every day or so. The latest is the Saudi government claim that the opposition journalist was killed in a “botched interrogation” at the Saudi [...]

Pinstriped Protectionism

Tim Carney comments on the 10th anniversary of the big bank bailouts by looking at how the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) was nothing more than protectionism for the financial elites: But there are better words than cronyism for the [...]

Ron Paul: Trump Is Right, the Fed Is Crazy

President Trump recently called the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes crazy. Leaving aside President Trump’s specific complaint, which is likely motivated by the belief that low rates will help him win reelection, he is right that [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Government Makes Disasters Worse Again

As Floridians try to recover from the damage done by Hurricane Michael, they are discovering that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is of little or no help. As Panama City manager Mario Gisbert told The Daily Beast, “The American [...]

Have Republicans Embraced ObamaCare?

Senate Majority  Leader Mitch McConnell recently said that if the Republicans pick up “enough seats” in the mid-terms, he would resume efforts to repeal ObamaCare next year. McConnell may find surprising opposition to ObamaCare repeal [...]

Ron Paul on Competing Currencies

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently discussed competing currencies on his Liberty Report. The show includes the successful efforts of Arizona and Wyoming Campaign for Liberty groups to pass legislation recognizing gold, silver, and [...]

Classic Ron Paul: Trump Tweets, and the Myth of Fed Independence

Donald Trump’s recent attacks on the Fed have caused some— including those who should know better— to claim that Trump is threatening the central bank’s independence. The problems with that statement is that the Federal Reserve is not [...]