National Blog - page 90

Stupid and Evil
There is a saying that there is stupid party and an evil party and sometimes they team up to do something stupid and evil. That’s what came to mind when I heard the Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein had [...]

Good News: Young Americans Want a New Political Party
Do we need a third major political party? I often joke that I’d be happy if we actually had a second party, as when it comes to the big issues – war, monetary policy, civil liberties – the Republicans and Democrats are more alike than [...]

This Week in Congress Update Vote on Education Savings Account Today
Colorado Senator Cory Gardner will be offering an amendment to the tax bill to extend the use of education savings accounts to pay for private school tuition. The vote could be as early as today so Campaign for Liberty members should call their [...]

This Week in Congress: Tax Reform Update
Congress is expected to start voting on amendments to the tax reform bill as early as Thursday. Here are some amendments that Campaign for Liberty members will find of interest: 1. An amendment imposing a carried interest tax, which has the [...]
This Week in Congress: Death and Taxes
The big event of the week is the Senate vote on tax reform, which is expected Thursday, assuming the bill has the votes to pass. Campaign for Liberty is monitoring the debate to ensure the final bill does not contain a carried interest tax. We [...]
This Week in Congress
The big item this week is passage of a two week government funding bill to give Congress more time to work on a longer term funding bill. This bill is not expected to contain any policy “riders” like an extension of Section702 of the FISA [...]

This Week in Congress: Tax Reform and Tax Hikes
Thanks to a group of so-called “deficit hawks” the Senate has to delay voting on the tax reform bill. As of this writing it appears the final deal will reduce the size of the tax cut by $350 billion dollars. The problem started when the [...]

Fly the Open Skies
Open Skies refers to agreements between countries to allow airlines to set their own schedules and routes instead of relying on government bureaucrats. Open Skies benefits American air travelers as well as businesses that gain new customers from [...]

Ron Paul and Norman Singleton on Jerome Powell’s Confirmation Hearings
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton made the following statements regarding yesterday's Senate Banking Committee hearing on Jerome Powell, President Trump’s nomination to replace Janet [...]

Is North Korea Really a 'State Sponsor of Terrorism'?
President Trump announced last week that he was returning North Korea to the US list of “state sponsors of terrorism” after having been off the list for the past nine years. Americans may wonder what dramatic event led the US president to [...]