This Week in Congress

The big news this week will take place off the floor as the GOP unveils the details of its tax reform plan and Donald Trump is expected to name his nominee for Federal Reserve board chair. Last week, the House passed the budget setting up the use [...]

Liberty at the Movies: The Autopsy of Jane Doe

Looking for a fun “B-movie” monster flick that could also serve as an allegory of blowback? Well have I got a treat for you. The Autopsy of Jane Doe is a low-budget, cliched, yet well executed film currently available online. As the title [...]

This Week in Congress

Because there is so much going on this week, I am splitting This Week in Congress into two separate entries. The House is in session Monday through Friday. In addition to the budget, the House will also consider H.R. 469. This bill requires [...]

Trump’s Fed Picks? More of the Same!

This week President Trump revealed his final five candidates for Federal Reserve chair. Disappointingly, but not surprisingly, all five have strong ties to the financial and political establishment. The leading candidates are former Federal [...]

Fly the Friendly Skies

One of the perks of being an elected official (or a staffer for an elected official) is taxpayer, or special interest, funded travel to exotic locations on fact-finding missions. While recent changes in the Congressional ethics rules have limited [...]

Neocons Hijack Trump’s Syria Policy

Does anyone in the Trump Administration have a clue about our Syria policy? In March, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson appeared to be finally pulling back from President Obama’s disastrous “Assad must go” position that has done nothing but [...]

Campaign for Liberty supports the USA Rights Act

Campaign for Liberty is supporting the USA Rights Act (S. 1997) legislation introduced by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and Oregon Senator Ron Wyden. The legislation resorts constitutional protections to Section 702 of the FISA Act. Campaign for [...]

This Week in Congress

The House will consider the Senate budget. The budget passed  the Senate last week, with Senator Rand Paul the only Republican no vote — even though it increases spending by at least $43 billion over the spending caps. The reason most [...]

The Revolution at Ten

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's new book, The Revolution at Ten, is a great read.  One can learn more about economics, politics, history, and the philosophy of liberty from this 130-page book than from most lengthy academic [...]

This Week in Congress Update

The Senate’s debate on the budget is heating up as Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham are working to increase military spending by busting the spending caps that limit spending. Fortunately, Senator Rand Paul is fighting to preserve the [...]