Free Markets
Ohio Ends Sales Taxes on Precious Metals
Congratulations to our Ohio Campaign for Liberty grassroots supporters who helped push the bill ending sales taxation on gold, silver, and other precious metals across the finish line! Since money itself is not taxed, it only stands to reason [...]

Blame Government, Not Markets for Monopoly
When Time-Warner announced it planned to merge with another major communications firm, many feared the new company would exercise near-total monopoly power. These concerns led some to call for government action to block the merger in order to [...]

Happy Coffee Day
One day late, but I did not get enough coffee... Yesterday was National Coffee Day, a day to celebrate the beloved beverage that gets so many of us going in the morning and keeps us going throughout the day. While today coffee is such an [...]
Baptists, Bootleggers, and Balderdash
By Zac Nickerson George Will recently wrote an article for the Washington Post entitled “When Bootleggers and Baptists Converge”. In the article he discusses how the State has become both sides of the Bootleggers and Baptists economic [...]
Last Week's Forum at Cato Institute
By Zachary Nickerson Last Wednesday, the CATO Institute held a book forum on “Renewing the Search for a Monetary Constitution: Reforming Government’s Role in the Monetary System” with one of the editors of the book, Professor Larry [...]
A new Cold War coming?
According to former Federal Reserve Board Governor Kevin Warsh, the U.S. is on the verge of a new Cold War with China -- but this one is going to be economic. "We're at the risk of a real 'cold war' between the world's two largest economies," [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Repeal, Don't Reform The IMF
Last week, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank held their annual meetings in DC. Since my invitation was lost in the mail, I'm not sure if the IMF's role in Iceland's backdoor theft of private capital via direct taxation and [...]

Economic Placebos
By Zac Nickerson Earlier last week American business magnate Steve Wynn was interviewed on Ralston Live, a show on Nevada’s KNPB Public Television channel 5. World Net Daily (WND) reported on the interview in an informative article which you [...]

FOMC March Minutes
By Zac Nickerson Economists have been all in a buzz since Wednesday due to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve releasing the minutes from their most recent Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. Reading through the tedious and [...]
Audit the Fed Reaches 100!
Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, introduced as H.R. 24 in this Congress by Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), has reached 100 cosponsors in less than a month! There's no greater sign of how much progress C4L has made since our founding than the rapid [...]