Local common law Constitution

 Local common law Constitution for my abode, village, _________________ county, Nevada Country, for Almighty Freedom granted by Almighty God for Local people Equal in Peace and do no harm; for Nation America, a free Republic for the united [...]

Activists Wanted. Must Desire Meaningful Change.

Do you know how to work the legislature, or are you going to be worked over by the legislature…. Again?I am confident that you understand the power of ideas. But good ideas are not worth anything if they are not put into action.If you are [...]


Glad to be here. I hope one day soon i'll be able to donate something. The past 3 years have been getting worse for me...less money and more taxes. Hopefully one day soon when Dr. Paul takes office we'll be able to afford more things and [...]

Obama job teaching strategy renders experts cold

Obama has proposed yet another massive federal job teaching program for youths and the long-term unemployed. Yet a large number of critics are less than excited, notes the New York Times. The government has tried such plans for over 50 years, and [...]

New Japanese Military Base to be built in Ohio

President Obama signed executive order 23954, which allows Japan to station about 2,300 soldiers next to a Honda Manufacturing plant in Marysville, [...]

How much of Obama's new plan hinges on just 1400 people?

Warren Buffett says that rich people like him should pay higher taxes.  The president came out with a new plan supposedly based in part on getting people like Mr. Buffett to have higher rate of taxation.According to this new 10 year long [...]

Statewide Freedom to Work is in Jeopardy!

September 14, 2011Dear Tony,Shouldn't you have a choice to join a union or not?Shouldn't you also have a choice to pay into the union or not?Freedom to Work is about choice, and free association.... don't let the pundits confuse the [...]

Nullification Petitions Written for the State of Florida

 A Petition to End The Powers of the Federal Department of EducationIn the Sovereign State of Florida             WHEREAS,   the following information may be found on the [...]

What can I do to Help!

First things first, who i am. My name is Joseph Kane, im a 18 year old native of Wyoming and have been conservative for years. I have a passion for both philosophy and politics. Ive alwayed devoroured anything that could help me understand the [...]

Lawton Area Literature Drop Tomorrow, September 17th

Oklahoma Campaign For Liberty Members We will be going into the Lawton area tomorrow starting at 9:00 am to drop literature and plant signs for the ArmesControl.com campaign.  Representative Don Armes has been blocking key issues [...]