Action Alert: Monday's Victory and Today's Opportunity

Read the latest action alert from Campaign for Liberty President John Tate and take action this morning! Dear Friend of Liberty, While many Americans think of House and Senate procedure as arcane and unimportant to anyone except those on the [...]

Distractions, Distractions Everywhere

By Luke Marrazzo In the modern world, one has infinitely more access to current events and news than ever before, yet it is not unreasonable to suggest that the public is just as ill-informed and just as easily distracted as they were 50 years [...]

Bernanke’s Farewell Tour

Here is  Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's latest Texas Straight Talk on Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's recent Congressional testimony: Last week Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke delivered what may well be his last [...]

Internet Sales Taxes Will Harm Small Business

Freshman Representative Ron DeSantis (R-FL-6) is a vocal opponent of the so-called "Marketplace Fairness Act," or as Campaign for Liberty calls it, the National Internet Tax Mandate. In addition to signing Rep. Thomas Massie's (R-KY-4) letter [...]

Ron Paul Statement on Bernanke Hearing

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia – Ron Paul, Campaign for Liberty Chairman, and former Chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Monetary Policy, issued the following statement today regarding Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s [...]

Take Action: NSA and Egypt Amendments to DOD Appropriations

It's time to light up the Capitol Hill Switchboard, folks. Late last night, the House Rules Committee approved amendments from Reps. Justin Amash and Thomas Massie regarding the NSA's domestic spying program and preventing the flow of military [...]

Fiction, not a Tyrants Handbook

By Luke Marrazzo George Orwell is rolling in his grave. Today, many Americans have lost all concept of freedom; instead seeming to believe our freedom comes from the government and thus can be taken away by the government. This fundamental [...]

Keep the Pressure On! (DOD Appropriations) - UPDATE

Earlier this week, Campaign for Liberty asked our members to take action on the Department of Defense appropriations bill by calling their representative and demanding they urge the House Rules Committee to bring the bill to the floor under an [...]

Action Alert: House DOD Appropriations Bill

The House may take up the Department of Defense Appropriations Bill later this week, and C4L Members should take action TODAY to urge an open amendment process. If your representative sits on the rules committee, they especially need to hear from [...]