Check out Texas C4L's new Facebook page

Keep up with the latest events in Texas by liking our new official Texas Campaign For Liberty Facebook page. You can like and sign up by clicking here. We will keep you up to date with the latest threats to Liberty in Texas as well as local [...]

El Paso State Rep. Joe Pickett thinks you are stupid!

You and I both know politicians often say one thing and do something else when they think they can get away with it. Unfortunately, one Texas State Representative, Joe Pickett (D-El Paso), is taking this to an extreme. . . He’s trying to [...]

Montgomery C4L Hosts Jordan Page Concert

Liberty Musician Jordan Page. Gulf Coast Regional Coordinator Kelli Cook hosted Liberty Musician and activist Jordan Page for a local concert on Saturday April 10th. Over 70 local activists and families and friends showed up to enjoy a night [...]

It's Candidate Survey time again!

One of our most important projects for Texas Campaign For Liberty is our Candidate Survey project. We ask politicians running for Texas House and Senate where they stand on Liberty issues like; photo enforcement, increasing taxes and fees, [...]

Texas C4L at Houston Liberty Fest

Montgomery County C4L and Katy Area C4L teamed up to man a booth at Houston Liberty fest this weekend. They spread the word about what C4L has been working on to restore Liberty to Texas and what our future plans are. Liberty followers signed our [...]

Learn where the Candidates Stand on Liberty!

Texas Campaign For Liberty's largest statewide project is our candidate survey. Our staff spends countless hours compiling, mailing, reviewing, following up and posting results from our candidate survey project so you can know where candidates [...]

Texas C4L calls for end to illegal ticket cameras

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 18, 2016 Red Light Camera and Speed ticket Photo Radar systems are currently shut down in Arizona due to illegal activities by the Arizona based camera vendors. The Arizona Attorney General issued an opinion that [...]

Learn how to fight for Liberty! April 2nd

We need you to be properly trained in how to fight for Liberty in Texas. It's time you stopped listening to how politicians tell you politics work and learn the truth on how it really works! Stop being a victim and start learning how to fight [...]

Help Texas C4L end Policing for Profit

Our federal, state, and local governments are raking in billions of dollars by seizing cash and taking property of innocent citizens and selling it in order to fill their coffers. Civil asset forfeiture laws represent a serious abuse of private [...]

Political Activist Training Class Kyle Texas (Austin) October 24th

This is not a class on political philosophy or ideas.  This is practical, no nonsense and tested information on how to be effective in politics. This intense one-day training covers: The Real Nature of Politics - why just "educating" [...]