Questions Raised Over Traffic Stop & Death of Sandra Bland

By Danny Lewis People are asking questions about the death of Sandra Bland, the woman who was found dead in a Texas jail on July 13th, especially whether she should have been arrested in the first place. CNN reports the original dashcam [...]

Political Leadership training class coming to Irving June 27th

This is not a class on political philosophy or ideas.  This is practical, no nonsense and tested information on how to be effective in politics. This intense one-day training covers: The Real Nature of Politics - why just "educating" [...]

Political activist training classes coming Feb 28-March 1st

If you want to learn how to win in politics you need to be here! There will also be opportunities for you to step up into leadership in our county organizations. As we get into our legislative season we want you to know how to be effective [...]

We have a Constitutional Carry bill!

Several months ago, Texas Campaign For Liberty started our work on one of our most important issues in Texas, restoring our gun rights. For too long, Texans have been forced to choose between complying with a government registration and licensing [...]

Leadership Training Class coming to Dallas & Fort Worth

Texas C4L is hosting our one day political leadership class again, this time in Dallas on Saturday October 18th and in Fort Worth Sunday the 19th. This class is crucial to give you the tools you need to fight against bad legislation and Liberty [...]

Texas C4L political leadership training coming to Katy August 15th

Our next one day political activist training class is coming to Katy, Texas on Saturday August 15th. This class is crucial to anyone that wants to be more effective in grassroots efforts and to learn how politics actually works. Seating is [...]

Red Light Camera Ban Bill in danger

Texas C4L has made great strides in fighting the dangerous and unconstitutional red light cameras in Texas. For the first time the Texas Senate Transportation Committee has voted for a ban bill to be sent to the floor of the Senate. SB 714 is a [...]

Red Light Camera ban bill filed in Texas Senate!

Several months ago, Texas Campaign for Liberty started working on one of our signature issues - banning the dangerous and unconstitutional Red Light Cameras in Texas. For too long, the camera industry and Texas cities have been picking the [...]

political activist training class coming to Round Rock January 17

Do you know how to work the legislature, or are you going to be worked over by the legislature... again? I am confident that you understand the power of ideas.  But good ideas are not worth anything if they are not put into action. And [...]

Texas C4L Fights for Gun Rights

Texas Campaign For Liberty has launched it's petition to support passage of a Constitutional Carry bill in Texas. You may have thought Texas was one of the states with the most freedoms concerning gun laws, but did you know Texas is one of only 5 [...]