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  • Ron Paul: Pass Audit the Fed!

    In this video, Dr. Ron Paul presents some of the information he covered in his written testimony to the Senate Banking Committee regarding Audit the Fed.

  • Join the Patriot Club!

    Patriot Club monthly contributors are critical to Campaign for Liberty’s work to beat back ongoing assaults on our liberties in Congress AND lay the foundation for a vibrant liberty movement that lasts long into the future.  For a recurring donation of just $10 or more a month, you will become a member of our Patriot Club!

Ron Paul in Roanoke Times: Will Republicans bet on Liberty?

C4L Chairman Ron Paul penned an op-ed today in the Roanoke Times calling on the House GOP to reject the Restore America's Wire Act (H.R. 707) which would overturn laws in seven states and ban online gambling. Roanoke is the backyard of House [...]

After a Twelve Year Mistake in Iraq, We Must Just March Home

Twelve years ago last week, the US launched its invasion of Iraq, an act the late General William Odom predicted would turn out to be “the greatest strategic disaster in US history.” Before the attack I was accused of exaggerating the [...]

Campaign for Liberty VP speaking on Repealing the Surveillance State

If you’re in the DC-area on Tuesday afternoon, please attend a bipartisan briefing on "Repealing the Surveillance State." The briefing will take place from 1-2 p.m. and will take place in room 304 of the Cannon House Office Building. I will [...]

If you give your children Twinkies, you may be a child abuser

At least in Puerto Rico where Senator Gilbert Rodriguez Valle has introduced legislation that would send social workers to the homes of families whose children have been "identified as obese" in the public schools. The parents will have one year [...]

No, Paul Krugman; government, not the market, causes obesity

Ralph Benko, writing at Forbes magazine, takes Paul Krugman to task for wanting to give government "experts" more control over our food choices even though obesity rates have skyrocketed because the American people listened to...government [...]

Reminder: Repealing the Surveillance State briefing tomorrow

Remember if you are in DC tomorrow that there will be a briefing on "Repealing the Surveillance State." The briefing will take place from 1-2 p.m. and will take place in room 210 of the Cannon House Office Building. The briefing will focus on [...]

Libertarian classic getting movie adaption

Fans of big budget, science fiction action films with a libertarian theme cheered at the announcement that Robert Heinlein’s classic The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is going to be turned into a big budget movie. The film will be directed by Bryan [...]

Audit the Fed Critic Disputes New York Times

As to what constitutes a bestseller... Former New Hampshire Senator (and Federal Reserve apologist) Judd Gregg had an op-ed in The Hill this week rehashing the same old straw man arguments about Audit the Fed. In the course of attacking the [...]

Janet Yellen Speaks: Do Words Matter?

For weeks, if not months, investors have been agonizing over whether or not the Fed would remove the word “patient” from its assessment of monetary policy. The word indeed was removed at today’s Fed meeting. Chairman Janet Yellen, [...]

Spend the Summer Semester with C4L!

Want to work for liberty? Campaign for Liberty is looking for dedicated, liberty-minded college students or recent graduates to intern for the summer semester (May 25 to August 14). The responsibilities of this paid internship include [...]