By Tag "privacy" - page 2
Clapper: NSA conducts warrantless searches on American's emails and phone calls
In a letter to Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, confirmed that the National Security Agency has used a 'loophole' to search the private communications of US Citizens. According to The [...]
The USA Freedom Act: A Step in the Right Direction
By: Michael Clayton Seemingly lost in the fold because of all the mess regarding Obamacare, last week, lawmakers introduced legislation to curtail the National Security Agency’s overreaching phone record collection program. The USA Freedom [...]
The Next Generation of Surveillance
By: David Heacock This past week on PBS’ NOVA, the public was given an insight into what’s being called “The Next Generation of Surveillance.” ARGUS-IS, or Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System, is an [...]
Return of the Church Committee?
By: Matt McBride In 1974, it was revealed that the CIA was involved in illegal intelligence operations against thousands of American citizens. The following year, a special committee, chaired by Idaho Senator Frank Church, was tasked with [...]
TSA to Replace Tom Cruise in Sequel to ‘Minority Report’
By: Matt McBride The Transportation Security Administration is yet again on the frontiers of privacy violations. TSA has announced a new program to search a myriad of government and private databases for information about airplane passers [...]