By Tag "goverment spending"

This Week in Congress Update
Yesterday, the Senate voted to “table” Senator Rand Paul's amendment repealing the 2001 and 2002 Authorization of Force resolutions by a vote of 61-36. It is sad that a majority of the Senate still does not want to have a full debate over the [...]
Tax Reform is Useless Without Spending Reform
Here is Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk on why supporters of limited government, free-markets, and individual liberty should not get excited about the chatter about tax "reform" emanating from the Beltway. [...]

10 things I hate about the budget deal
Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the budget bill by a vote of 309-118. You can see the roll-call vote here. The bill is now in the Senate. Campaign for Liberty members should call their senators and tell them to vote against the [...]