By Tag "gun control"
Stop the anti-gunners in D.C.
Most Americans are probably hoping to enjoy some of the last days of summer at the beach, parks, or just hanging out in their backyard grilling hamburgers and playing games with friends and family. . . But not the gun-grabbers! House [...]
Gun control vote today
Buried in this massive 1.3 trillion dollar Omnibus spending bill are two provisions empowering federal bureaucrats to wage war on your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The House is scheduled to vote on the Omnibus bill in a few [...]

This Week in Congress: So Much for Independence Day
The House came back from their Independence Day recess and immediately began working on taking away our liberties. The marquee item of the week was supposed to be an "anti-terrorism" bill containing the Republican version of the Democrats "no [...]

The Gun-Grabbers Are Coming!
Gun-grabbers will never shy away from latching on to a tragedy and using it for their own purposes. Following the attack on the Orlando nightclub, Pulse, defenders of liberty should be on guard against a new wave of gun control efforts by [...]

Ron Paul Classic: No mandatory mental health screening
A popular trick of politicians who wish to placate both sides of the gun debate is to introduce legislation aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of those with "mental health" problems. For example, Texas Senator John Cornyn has introduced [...]
KS Leg Can't Be Trusted With Article V
Thanks to you and other concerned Kansans like you, the bill calling for a disastrous Article V Convention was defeated this legislative session, but we can’t let down our guard. You see, many of the legislators who voted for an Article V [...]

Conventional Tyranny
The IRS isn't the only government agency that has a problem with the American tradition of anonymous political speech, prior to last week's RNC convention the Cleveland Police Chief issued a "warning" to protesters not to cover their [...]

This Week in Congress: Lawyers, Guns, and Money
Today, the Senate votes on four gun control measures, none of which are likely to pass. In addition to gun control, the Senate will also consider amendments to the Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations bill. The House of Representatives [...]

Classic Ron Paul on Gun Control
Last week's tragic shootings in Virgina have reignited efforts to pass new gun control laws, including extended "background checks." Theretofore, this is a good time to revisit Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's writings on gun control [...]

Does Gun Control Work?
By Danny Lewis National attention shifted back to the gun control debate after the recent shooting in Louisiana. Many are arguing for stricter background checks. MSNBC Reports: The most recent mass shooting at a movie theater in Lafayette, [...]