By Tag "Surveillance state"
This Week in Congress
The House is in session Monday through Friday. The main item on their agenda is S. 139, legislation reauthorizing Section 702 of the FISA Act, otherwise known as the “crown jewel” of the surveillance state. While S. 139 makes some [...]

Christmas Evesdrop
You better watch out You better not cry Better not pout I'm telling you why: The NSA is bugging your town They're making a list Checking it twice Government knows who's naughty or nice The NSA is bugging your town They see you when [...]

USA Liberty Act Meet the New Surveillance State
During the debate on the USA Freedom Act, my friend and former colleague, and current Ron Paul Senior Fellow Adam Dick quipped that Congress’s next phony civil liberties bill would be called the USA Liberty Act. Well Adam was a prophet. Last [...]