IRS abuses: It did not start with the Tea Party

Those who think that the IRS's targeting of political organizations is a new phenomenon should read James Bovard's "The Sordid History of IRS Political Abuse." Bovard goes through the IRS's sordid history of targeting political opponents [...]

Ten percent of Tea Party donors audited by IRS

This is why Campaign for Liberty is refusing IRS demands that we turn over donor information. According to a study conducted by the House Ways and Means Committee, 10 percent of donors to tea party groups were audited by the IRS after those [...]

Ron Paul: "...you can understand why we are their [the IRS's] enemy...”

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul discussed Campaign for Liberty's battle with the IRS on his weekly podcast with Charles Goyette. As Mr. Goyette points out, Campaign for Liberty is  being forced to devote resources that could be [...]

Senate Assaults First Amendment

Today, the United States Senate had a hearing with the Orwellian title "Examining a Constitutional Amendment to Restore Democracy to the American People." The hearing should have been called "Examining a proposal to deny First Amendment [...]

Despite Rule Delay, IRS Still Targeting Pro-liberty Groups

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Today, Campaign for Liberty released the following statement from C4L President John Tate on the IRS’s decision to delay proposed rules targeting political groups: “While many, even on the right, are claiming [...]

C4L Applauds House Action On IRS Targeting of Conservative Groups

Today Campaign for Liberty applauded the House of Representatives for calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate and prosecute the IRS's targeting of conservative groups. “The IRS’s political [...]

IRS steals innocent Americans' assets

Campaign for Liberty knows first-hand what it is like to have the IRS target and intimidate you. Here is another saddening story of the IRS going after innocent Americans courtesy of The Washington Post: Terry, who came to Michigan from Iraq in [...]

Washington Times: The IRS needs a good spanking

Yesterday, The Washington Times had a great editorial highlighting the most recent IRS abuses, including the targeting of Campaign for Liberty. The tax man, not at all intimidated by widespread disgust at his behavior, is getting ever more [...]