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    Join the Patriot Club and help Campaign for Liberty fight back against big-spending politicians! Join here!

  • Ron Paul: Pass Audit the Fed!

    In this video, Dr. Ron Paul presents some of the information he covered in his written testimony to the Senate Banking Committee regarding Audit the Fed.

  • Join the Patriot Club!

    Patriot Club monthly contributors are critical to Campaign for Liberty’s work to beat back ongoing assaults on our liberties in Congress AND lay the foundation for a vibrant liberty movement that lasts long into the future.  For a recurring donation of just $10 or more a month, you will become a member of our Patriot Club!

Upcoming Event on the Search for a Monetary Constitution

Campaign for Liberty supporters in the DC-area may want to attend The Cato Institute's Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives event "Renewing the Search for a Monetary Constitution," this Wednesday at noon at CATO's FA Hayek [...]

FEC Public Hearing

By Zac Nickerson Last Wednesday the Federal Election Commission (FEC) held a public hearing on advance notice of proposed rulemaking following the Supreme Court decision in the McCutcheon v. FEC case. Campaign for Liberty was in attendance, [...]

Dancing with Glenn Jacobs

Statists regularly mock libertarians for being "selfish" because we do not believe in spending other people's money on worthwhile causes.  Instead, we spend our own money or encourage others to voluntary support charitable efforts. For [...]

James Bovard: Americans must know how the Federal Reserve is using its power

Libertarian muckraker and national treasure James Bovard recently spoke with Press TV about Senator Bernie Sanders' call for the Federal Reserve to bail out Greece and the need to Audit the Fed: The US Federal Reserve System is acting as a [...]

Flowers, Chocolates, and.......ObamaCare?

Need a last-minute gift for your significant other? Don't want to give him or her the same old, same old? Fear not! Nancy Pelosi has the perfect Valentine's Day gift.... ObamaCare! Yep, believe it or not, in her press conference yesterday Pelosi [...]

What Libertarians Owe Ron Paul

Jack Hunter, writing at RARE Liberty, examines how Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's 2008 and 2012 made libertarian ideas mainstream: It’s been eight years since Ron Paul first ran for president as a Republican. It’s worth [...]

How Many More Wars?

Last week President Obama sent Congress legislation to authorize him to use force against ISIS “and associated persons and forces” anywhere in the world for the next three years. This is a blank check for the president to start as many new [...]

Classic Ron Paul: My Plan for a Freedom President

President's Day seems like a good day to revist Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's “ My Plan for a Freedom President”, which initially ran in the March 2011 issue of Young Americans for Liberty's Young American's Revolution: My Plan [...]

The Fed's Attack Dog is At It Again

Richard Fisher, the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank president, is once again going after everyone who supports an audit of the Federal Reserve System. In particular he has been hitting at Sen. Rand Paul for having introduced Senate Bill 264, which [...]

What happened to the Anti-Fed left?

That's what Paul-Martin Foss wants to know following Senator Elizabeth Warren's public opposition to Audit the Fed and Senator Bernie Sanders call for a Federal Reserve bailout of Greece, especially when:  "....pretty much everything the Fed [...]