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  • Ron Paul: Pass Audit the Fed!

    In this video, Dr. Ron Paul presents some of the information he covered in his written testimony to the Senate Banking Committee regarding Audit the Fed.

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"Cap and Tax" is back!

Shhh… listen closely. You hear that whooshing sound? No, that’s not the wind… That’s the sound of American energy jobs disappearing forever down the drain of political correctness and expediency. The EPA will unveil new rules [...]

Georgia SWAT Team Has Sordid Past

Following up on the story of a toddler who was critically injured when a Georgia drug task force set off a flash bang while executing a no-knock warrant, WaPo's Radley Balko points out the same unit was responsible for the death of an innocent [...]

Pelosi: Obamacare is beautiful, but her heart belongs to single payer

Despite the myriad of problems with Obamacare, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi recently said that she thinks Obamacare is "beautiful." However, she did admit that she prefers a single-payer health care system. So the failure of [...]

Victory for Hemp!

Late last night, by a vote of 246-162, the House voted on, and passed, Rep Thomas Massie's hemp amendment C4L urged our members to take action on yesterday. The amendment simply stated, “that no funds may be used by the Department of [...]

Mental Health Screening a Good Way to Decrease Liberty, Poor Way to Increase Security

Here is Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk on why "mental health background checks" and other forms of gun control threaten our safety and our liberty. Under Dr. Paul's leadership, Camaign for Liberty will oppose all [...]

NSA collecting and storing your pictures

The National Security Agency is collecting vast numbers of images sent by individuals communicating via text messages, emails, social media, and other communications, according to the latest documents released by NSA whistle blower Edward [...]

Victory for Privacy

In addition to passing the Massie Hemp Amendment last night, the House of Representatives also passed Congressman Ted Poe's amendment ending funding for the American Community Survey. The Poe amendment passed by voice vote. The passage of these [...]

SWAT Team allegedly throws flash grenade, critically injuring toddler, during no-knock raid

The latest victim in the war on drugs and no-knock raids is a 19-month-old toddler in Georgia. The toddler is in critical condition after suffering burns due to a flash grenade thrown in his house by police looking for drugs in a no-knock raid. [...]