By Tag "TSA"

TSA’s Thanksgiving Turkey
Just in time for the busiest travel week of the year, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has announced plans for more “comprehensive patdowns” which according to the Denver airport will invoke “more intimate contact” with [...]

James Bovard has intimate relations (with the TSA)
The Transportation Security Agency recently responded to a 2011 court order that they justify their harassment of airline travelers with a 157 page Federal Register notice. Surprisingly (for the three people reading this who might still trust the [...]

Will TSA force you to be nuked...or will it let you fly at all?
It seems hard to believe that the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) could be even more tyrannical, after all this is the agency that once stole a stuffed animal from a girl in a wheelchair and made her cry "I don't want to go to Disney [...]

TSA standard operating proecure, sexual asusalt, or both?
British pop star Morrisey is suing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for sexual assault. The alleged assault occurred when Morrisey was going through security checks before a flight to London. Morrisey claims that two British [...]

TSA Agents Manipulate Screening Systems to Fondle Attractive Men
An investigation by CBS Denver, discovered that TSA Agents as Denver International Airport were purposely manipulating the screening process of attractive men so that agents could fondle them. From CBS Denver: According to law enforcement [...]

TSA Leaves Passengers Defenseless Against The Joker
Suicide Squad, the latest entry from DC Cinematic universe opens this week. Since this movie features several villains from Batman's "rogue gallery" and Batman makes a cameo appearance, TSA agents are no doubt stepping up their efforts to stop [...]

This week in Congress: February 22, 2016
The House of Representatives is in session Tuesday through Friday this week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the House will consider bills under suspension of the rules. Among the bills considered under suspension are H.R. 3584, a bill to [...]

Let's make the malls more like the airports
New York State lawmaker Tony Aella is introducing legislation to put metal detectors and other types of "enhanced security" in Malls and other places. Bonnie Krsitian at RARE Liberty explains why this is such a bad idea: But even [...]

TSA Fails to Detect Bombs 95 Percent of the Time
Not that we are surprised but according to a recent internal study by the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA failed to detect fake bombs and explosives 95 percent of the time. From NBC News: In all, so-called "Red Teams" of Homeland [...]
Ron Paul Groped by TSA!
Tonight, while traveling home to Houston, TX, C4L Chairman Ron Paul was groped by TSA agents while passing through security. A long opponent of the TSA, Dr. Paul, voted against creating the massive department while in Congress. Ron Paul is [...]