By Tag "red light cameras"
Texas bans red light (s)cameras
On Saturday, June 1, Texas. Gov. Greg. Abbott signed the bill banning red light cameras in Texas. Abbott said he was motivated to support the bill for several reasons: "No.1, privacy concerns. We think that the right to due process matters," [...]

Who will spy on us when we use the roads?
Last year, the Department of Homeland Security announced a plan to create a database of license plates in order to facilitate tracking our movements. However, following an outcry from those concerned about civil liberties, the DHS announced [...]
One Step Closer to Victory in Colorado
Congratulations to Colorado Campaign for Liberty on SB 181, a bill to repeal and remove red light cameras in Colorado, passing the State Senate by a 21-14 vote! It's now up to the House to act. This is just another example of how Campaign [...]

Stupid government trick: fining an engineer for doing math
Be careful if you are doing math in Oregon without an engineering license . . . even if you are an engineer. Or you may be fined by the Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying. That is what happened to Mats [...]
Cleveland rocks
Last Tuesday, Cleveland's voters passed an ordinance removing red light cameras (more accurately named scameras, as they are a scam on drivers) from their city. Installed in the name of safety (it's for the children!), red light scameras [...]