By Tag "Food Freedom"

Rand Paul, Thomas Massie Prime for Liberty
Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul have introduced the PRIME Act (H.R. 3187/S. 2651). This legislation exempts slaughterhouses from federal inspections as long as the slaughterhouses are in compliance with state [...]
Rep. Massie Joins The Independents to Discuss Milk Freedom
Last night, Rep. Thomas Massie joined "The Independents" on Fox Business to discuss his Milk Freedom Acts, H.R. 4307 & H.R. 4308. Sign your Food Freedom petition today urging your [...]
Raw Milk Upsets "Big Milk"
The dairy lobby, or Big Milk, is upset over Rep. Thomas Massie's introduction of the "Milk Freedom Act," H.R. 4307 that would allow for the interstate sale of raw milk, and the "Interstate Milk Freedom Act," H.R. 4308 that would allow the [...]
Joel Salatin at LPAC 2012 The self-described "Christian-libertarian-environmentalist-capitalist-lunatic-farmer" and author Joel Salatin spoke to attendees at the Liberty Political Action Conference on Saturday, September 15, [...]

Food Freedom Victory in Wyoming!
This March, food freedom activists scored a major victory with the passage of the "Wyoming Food Freedom Act." This bill legalizes direct-to-consumer food sales and forbids government officials from imposing any "licensure, permitting, [...]
Reps. Massie and Pingree Circulate "Dear Colleague" on Milk Freedom Acts
Campaign for Liberty attained a copy of a "Dear Colleague" letter being circulated by Representatives Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) seeking cosponsors for H.R. 4307 & H.R. 4308. It's great to see such bipartisan support [...]
Food Freedom, it does a body good!
The Food Freedom movement is getting a lot more attention these days, in particular for the bipartisan nature of the effort. In a recent article in The American Conservative magazine titled "Locavore Revolution," Joel Salatin was quoted [...]
Food Freedom Legislation Introduced!
Today, Rep. Thomas Massie (KY-4) introduced two new bills, the "Milk Freedom Act of 2014," H.R. 4307, and the "Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 2014," H.R. 4308, with a bipartisan coalition of 20 lawmakers. In his press release announcing the new [...]